Boer Goat training in Potchefstroom

'n Waardevolle Boerbokboerdery kursus

Economic realities dictate that only the most efficient and effective Boer Goat producers will remain in business and prosper in the future.
To satisfy the ever increasing demands on producers, Johan Steyn, owner of the well-known Patriot Boer Goat Stud in South Africa, shares knowledge and insights garnered over more than 30 years in the Boer Goat industry in an intensive one-day Boer Goat Farming course. The management course is presented in layman’s language. Farmers looking to improve their profitability and sustainability will benefit greatly from the course.
Ingesluit in die kursusfooi is 'n dokumentpakket (in óf Afrikaans óf Engels) wat die volgende bevat:
  • A detailed training manual.
  • 'n Professioneel ontwerpte sertifikaat
  • Middagete
  • Tee en koffie deur die loop van die dag
The intensive one-day course covers all aspects of Boer Goat farming and husbandry.  It will equip students with the essential skills they need to improve the profitability and sustainability of their farming operation. It is aimed at new and existing farmers who have a working knowledge of livestock farming and who are looking to improve their knowledge levels.
Alle kursusmateriaal is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar.  Kursusse kan ook uitsluitlik in Afrikaans aangebied word indien verlang en indien daar voldoende studente is.
Upon completion the student will be able to apply his newly gained knowledge to his own operation right away.
Die volgende vakmateriaal word gedek:
  • Fisiologie van die Boerbok
  • Die Ekonomie van Veeboerdery
  • Volhoubaarheid
  • Dieregesondheid
  • Byvoeding
  • Beplanning van die Produksiesiklus
  • Bestuur van die Lamseisoen


Besigtig asseblief ons Kansellasiebeleid deur op die knoppie hieronder te klik.
  • * Boer Goat Training Course, Potchefstroom ---------------------------------- 12 Febuary 2025
    (payment cutoff date: 7 February 2025)
  • * Boer Goat Training Course, Potchefstroom ---------------------------------- 7 May 2025
    (payment cutoff date: 2 May 2025)
  • * Boer Goat Training Course, Potchefstroom ---------------------------------- 21 August 2025
    (payment cutoff date: 15 August 2025)
  • * Boer Goat Training Course, Potchefstroom ---------------------------------- 5 November 2025
    (payment cutoff date: 31 October 2025)